Perioperative Medicine SIG

The IMSANZ Perioperative Medicine Special Interest Group (POM-SIG) was first established in 2016 and further developed in 2018 through an expression of interest to members.  This member-driven group has been active on many fronts, particularly with regard to ensuring General Physicians have the opportunity to have their Perioperative Medicine experience formally recognised.

The main activities of the IMSANZ Perioperative Medicine SIG have included:

  • Liaising with the Perioperative Medicine Special Interest Group of ANZCA (and other bodies including ANZSGM) regarding Perioperative Medicine training opportunities for general and acute care medicine trainees, and for general physicians post fellowship to upskill in the area of Perioperative Medicine;
  • Involvement in the ANZCA Perioperative Medicine Society meeting (2018/2020);
  • Input into post graduate qualifications in Perioperative Medicine through the qualification of GChPeriopMed (ANZCA);
  • Liaising with the Advanced Training Committee (ATC) of the RACP with respect to training requirements of those interested in a career focusing on Perioperative Medicine.

IMSANZ has had significant input into having informal training and career experience in Perioperative Medicine formally recognised.  through ANZCA, initially referred to as the Diploma of Perioperative Medicine (DipPOM). 

IMSANZ had representation on the ANZCA Perioperative Medicine Steering Committee (POM SC), which reports to ANZCA Council on the development and implementation of an effective integrated perioperative care model and education offerings for Australia and New Zealand.

ANZCA launched a recognition pathway to allow Physicians to apply for legacy transition to the qualification initially referred to as the Diploma of Perioperative Medicine (DipPOM).  This ‘grandparenting’ process was open to medical specialists who have been engaged in the field of perioperative medicine, through education, teaching, research and/or clinical practice.  Experienced perioperative medicine specialists have been able to apply to receive ANZCA’s new qualification under a recognition process overseen by the Recognition Pathways Working Group. This initial cohort of recognised POM qualification recipients would be engaged by ANZCA to support, guide and assess training participants through clinical supervision and education.

ANZCA has since established a Chapter of Perioperative Medicine. Participants who successfully complete the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine will be recognized as graduates of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine of ANZCA, denoted as GChPeriopMed (ANZCA). 

Terms of Reference

Click here for the Terms of Reference for the IMSANZ Perioperative Medicine Special Interest Group (POM SIG).

IMSANZ POM Information Session

On Wednesday 26th April 2023, IMSANZ held an interactive webinar presented by Dr Maggie Wong, ANZCA Director of Professional Affairs assessor, to outline the progress of the ANZCA qualification including the grandparenting process, chaired by Dr Amy Osborne (member of the ANZCA Perioperative Medicine Steering Committee). 

Click here to view the recording (members-only).